Which color reflects your inner essence?

Every woman has a beautiful outfit in the back of their closet. When we try it on, our spirits shine! But then we tell ourselves, “I’m saving it for a special occasion.” And there it stays, in the back of our closet. 

Why not embrace that feeling, and make every day special?

At Earth Wisdom Collection, we encourage women to dance in beauty everyday by wearing sacred clothing. Our line is heavily influenced by the Yoruba tradition of West Africa, where colors hold profound meaning and mark initiations of the feminine. 

The three colors of our signature outfit – yellow, blue, and white – were chosen with this intention. Keep reading to discover how to choose the color that aligns with your inner essence so you can radiate with beauty from the inside out.

What is Yoruba culture?

The Yoruba people originate from Benin, West Africa. They share a language and culture that pre-dates any religion, and recognize spirit and consciousness in all things. The slave trade spread them worldwide to the Caribbean and Central/South America. Due to syncretism, many went undercover in their ancient practices, replacing deities' names (known as Orishas) with Christian names.

Each color in the Earth Wisdom Collection aligns with an ancient Orisha archetype and assists in the initiation of a woman’s development.


Yemaya is the saline water and the holy mother of all deities. She is depicted as a mermaid, a water snake, a siren, or even a whale. All women are of Yemaya, born from the saline embryonic fluid, governed by the moon and its ebb and flow.

She’s revered for her deep intuition as a teacher of feminine wisdom, guardian of the oceans, and protector of women’s health. She represents the maturing woman,
motherhood, fertility, birthing, and all nurturing aspects of life.

Why wear blue?

  • To mark your initiation into motherhood
  • To embody the maturing woman
  • To connect deeper to the water
  • To be more in the flow with the element of water
  • To seek and give more nurturing energy

If any of these resonate with you, wearing blue is your color!


Osun is the joy-filled Orisha of sweet water including lakes, glaciers, waterfalls, and streams. She is the pure domain of love. She’s more juvenile, free-spirited, fiery, and seductive. Depicted as fire in the water, she’s represented by the color gold or yellow, embodying the energy of passion. Learn to love, fall in love, embody love.

While Yemaya is the mother, Osun is the daughter. They’re a duo with an affinity for water. As the river flows into the sea and cleans the ocean, Osun cleans us with healing energy. Later in life, the daughter becomes more like a sister to the mother, bringing good news, taking care of her, and healing her wounds.

Why wear yellow?

  • To initiate and tap into your joy, passion, and youthful spirit
  • To empower yourself with confidence (to dance, experience joy, to shine)
  • To embody love ( falling in love, being open to receiving love, learning to love in return)

If any of these resonate with you, wearing yellow is your color!



Obatala is the deity of purity, wisdom, peace, and fairness. He is the creator and masculine counterpart of Yemaya. He governs the head, and represents wisdom, peace, fairness, and giving direction. A cluttered or ill head blocks the way for spirit to come and teach you, heal you, and give you direction. In Yoruba culture, it’s essential to keep the head clean with head baths, white head wraps, or white clay.

The color white is often worn for initiations because it represents purity, communion, and a clean slate. Every woman needs a white dress to honor and protect their purity.

Why wear white?

  • To gain more clarity on a decision
  • To cleanse your spirit for a fresh start
  • To invite in wisdom to help give you direction

If any of these resonate with you, wearing white is your color!

Finding Your Color

We hope this guide helps you find the color that reflects your inner essence so you can dance in beauty! Which color from the Earth Wisdom Collection embodies your true self the most? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below.

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