Kathi von Koerber and her partner Hernando Villa are the visionary founders behind Earth Wisdom. For years, they've worked alongside various tribes and inspirational women, forging special connections with kindred spirits in the creative realm.

They've teamed up with leading clothing and jewelry designers to create the Earth Wisdom Collection, a colorful line of sacred wear for the entire family. 

The collection supports all women, from female entrepreneurs blazing new trails, to indigenous artisans practicing their sacred traditions.

Each collaborator shares a commitment to Earth Wisdom values. It's an alliance rooted in deep respect for nature and one another, dedicated to spreading Be-YOU-ty in a reverent and elegant way.

"What you wear, is where you are."

Myhra Peñeloza

Myrah Peneloza is a Bali-based designer with a successful slow fashion label. Her strong family values carry into her work, where each garment is handmade by women and their families within the comfort of their own homes. 

Kathi and Nando met Myrah and her lovely family in Bali. A beautiful friendship blossomed between them. They shared an interest in creating and inspiring people, and wanted to make something meaningful together. The Earth Wisdom Men’s Fashion Collection was born shortly after, combining Royal Bhutanese Weavings with fine-threaded, custom-dyed linen.

This collaboration is fueled by their shared joy in channeling the sacred and honoring the creative flow of life. Aside from their creative partnership, Kathi and Myrah regularly join forces to run women’s circles in Bali, to nurture the community and uphold their priorities in life.

"You are a goddess."

Erika Peña

Erika Peña is a bright, exuberant spirit and internationally-acclaimed jewelry and fashion designer known for her beautiful, multicultural fashion come art. Her label, Erika Pena Designs, is a lighthouse for female entrepreneurism in Bali.

When Kathi met Erika, she was immediately drawn to her innovative nature. When Erika offered to design sacred skirts for Kathi's Orisha dance classes, Kathi intuitively accepted the offer. 

Originally from Puerto Rico, Erika is well-versed in the traditions of the Bomba dance. She ensured that the initial three colored skirts for the Earth Wisdom Women's Collection embodied the spirit of Water (Yemaya), Creation (Obatala) and Beauty (Oxum).

The Spirit Skirt design has inspired more sensational pieces, all centered around celebrating women, the sacred nature of dance, and the divine feminine. Kathi and Erika's kindred friendship fuels the joy and celebration in this Women's Collection.

"Alchemy is the beauty way."

Adriana Poinet Arimbawa

Originally from France, Adrianna resides in Bali with her Balinese husband and family. All of her designs incorporate natural elements, and are hand-carved by local artisans in traditional workshops. Adrianna is ever-inspired by nature, Native American tribes, and their ancient symbols.

When Kathi and Nando met Adrianna and her family, they shared a joyful exchange of symbols and ideas. They sought to merge Eastern and Western, as well as Northern and Southern cultures into unified pieces of art. Showcasing shells, semi-precious stones and precious metals forged on the Island of the Gods, all of the Earth Wisdom Jewelry Collection is made with pure intentions and blessed with healing resonance. An ongoing collaboration that blends ancient and modern designs, each piece serves as a bridge between the masculine and feminine, and emphasize the need for balance and alignment.

"We are the voice of the earth."

Los Emberas Chami de Risaralda Colombia

Hand-beaded jewelry is an ancient craft that demonstrates how everything we wear has a story, like a letter to or from the gods. We are simply the vessel that holds the energies of the universe.

The Earth Wisdom Beaded Jewelry Collection is handmade by the native pre-Colombian tribe, Los Emberas Chami. Known as master beaders and wisdom keepers, they live in the Andean hometown of Hernando.

Los Emberas Chami consider their beaded jewelry as living altars, helping to balance energies and give orientation between heaven and earth. Their ancient pictographs and glyphs draw upon the balance of life, while all colors represent sounds, vibrations, and essences of the cosmos and universe.

Kathi and Nando run a regenerative farm project in Colombia, called Arka de la Tierra. A family of Emberas Chami happily farms the land, and teaches visitors the sacred beading methods. Three generations of Emberas Chami women meticulously hand-bead each piece for this collaboration. They earn fair wages that honor their craftsmanship and sustain their livelihoods. 

Made with pure intentions, they infuse thoughts from the heavens into the sacred bead work for protection, beautification and initiation of the feminine. 


Bhutanese Female weavers of the Royal Himalayan Kingdom

When Kathi was 18, she traveled to Tibet and spent time studying in China. She was mesmerized by the local weavings worn for temple visits and dance ceremonies. Then in 2023, Kathi returned to the Himalayas and visited Bhutan, which reignited her connection to the weavings. It was an honor to visit the high plateau and receive many blessings. She felt compelled to support and advocate for their ancient wisdom, by building a bridge in trade and production. 

Bhutanese women are the pillar of society, and they weave their sacred patterns to call in protection and guidance. Their color schemes are letters and codes  — what we refer to as the sacred design of life. 

They hand-weave these sacred designs with protections and spiritual guidance for the wearer. The Earth Wisdom Belt Collection supports Bhutanese women with fair wages, to honor their ancient wisdom, and spread their blessings to more people. Our Belts and Men’s Clothing include rich embroidery details that are 100% handwoven in Bhutan.

Together with Erika Pena and Myhra Peneloza, Kathi and Hernando of Earth Wisdom combine materials and designs to create versatile, ceremonial pieces to invite the sacred into daily life.