Join the Intuitive Feminine Wisdom Course

Are you looking to deepen your connection with your inner wisdom and the rhythms of nature? Join us for the Intuitive Feminine Wisdom course starting this August. This five-week journey is designed to guide women in aligning with their intuitive selves, inspired by ancient and modern earth-based practices.

Course Overview

This course is a platform for women from around the world to deepen their channel of Intuitive Feminine Wisdom and reconnect with ancestral themes that shape our lives. Each week, a 60-minute video session will focus on a different theme, exploring its spiritual and practical aspects. These sessions are interwoven with rites and rituals, earth-based wisdom, and actionable insights.

What You’ll Get

  • Weekly Video Sessions: A new video will be released each Saturday, accompanied by reading materials and homework assignments to deepen your understanding and practice.
  • Live Q&A Sessions: Join live video chats to ask questions and engage with the community.
  • Community Engagement: Connect with other women on a similar path, share experiences, and inspire each other.
  • Holistic Curriculum: Learn about maintaining personal altars, practicing self-care, and integrating spiritual rituals into daily life.

Course Schedule

Week 1: Welcoming Spirit Into Our Body And Home
- Opening Orientation
- Live Q&A: Tuesday, August 27th at 2 pm CET

Week 2: Inspiration Of The Present, Observation And Maintenance
- Live Q&A: Wednesday, September 4th at 2 pm CET

Week 3: Manifestations Of Spirit
- Live Q&A: Wednesday, September 11th at 2 pm CET

Week 4: Feminine Rituals And Initiation
- Live Q&A: Wednesday, September 18th at 2 pm CET

Week 5: Remembering And Priorities
- Live Q&A: Thursday, September 26th at 2 pm CET

Topics Covered

- Spiritual and Vocational Integration
- Ancient and Modern Feminine Rites and Rituals
- Ayurvedic Self-Care Practices
- Aligning with Moon Cycles
- Intuitive and Creative Practices

Transform your life by tapping into your Intuitive Feminine Wisdom. 

ENROLL NOW and begin your journey with us this August.

About the Instructor

Kathi Von Koerber is a dancer/healer and filmmaker from Germany/South Africa. She has spent time with elders from Bushmen tribes in southern Africa, the Tuareg in the Sahara, Gabonese Eboga priestess Bernadette Rebienot, Lakota. Navajo and Cherokee in the United States, Xawante and Fulnio in BRazil, and the Camsra and Kogi in Colombia. Kathi has taught and performed dance internationally for the last 15 years and has designated her life to the preservation of indigenous wisdom and advocating rituals as a key element in human evolution and initiation into adulthood.

Kathi honors the voice of the grandmother. She supports the prayers of women and her ancient voices through the tools and means of praying with the elements, the earth and its food, the fire and its transformation, the water and its purifying power, and the air through which we walk our dance of life.

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